Sunday, March 29, 2009

Reflection Lake 3/22/2009

Area of Reflection Lake is beautiful no matter the weather conditions. If sunny the Mt. Rainier and surrounding peaks provide for spectacular views and on a cloudy day there is plenty of peaceful white winter wonderland to explore.

We started on a gentle uphill that led us to an intersection of several trails. Since the conditions were good, we chose to proceed on fairly leveled grade under an avalanche slope rather than take the detour around it. Once on the other side we took a little side tour down hill where after a while of fighting with annoyingly unsupportive snow we found ourselves at the bottom of a small valley. Most of the beauty above us was hidden behind a thick curtain of clouds but the few brief views we had were pretty impressive.

After taking a little break here we made our way up and once reconnected with the main trail we continued to Reflection Lake and little further until we found a nice lunch spot overlooking Louise Lake where we sat down for a lunch break.

Just like last year the weather started to get better on our way out. It felt so good when the sun got out; but after few minutes we were back in cloudy, snowy conditions which stayed with us for the rest of our trip.

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